Your kid’s kryptonite can be valuable, which is an interesting proposition. How will you wield such power, if at all? Can you leverage it for greater good? It depends who you ask.
Good Parent or Bad Parent, you must acknowledge a kryptonite exists. If you’re like me, and never spank your kid (4), then having a, “tool in the toolbelt”, really does help when obstinance is your obstacle.
Now, let’s be clear. This is not an abuse and should not be abused. Think about that. For example, My son’s kryptonite is when I pretend to do voices for his cars. Yes, I mean it. He can’t stand it and will eat any veggie, drink any juice, and sit like a nice boy – so long as I don’t pretend to do voices. for. cars.
I’m sure many, many dad’s are not as lucky as me. I forget sometimes how lucky I actually am, thankfully the blog helps. What I mean by lucky is – how finding your kid’s kryptonite might not be so trivial and silly as voices, but rather other, scarier things. Those should always be protected by the parent, don’t scare your kids. So to the dad’s as lucky as I am, this article’s for you.
Kryptonite is not a rock, it’s a mineral
My kid’s kryptonite came in handy on our vacation when he wasn’t eating his breakfast before the beach. As I started to grab a car and look at it funny, he let out a very unenthusiastic, “Fine…” and finished those delicious pancakes I made. It’s simple little dad-hacks like this that takes your normal everyday with kid’s and creates a path, or at least a chance at a path to a quieter, more relaxing time.
I’m not always this lucky, recently it’s been starting to backfire as my son is realizing just how silly this whole “dance” is. He continues to grow and evolve right in front of my eyes, so I have more conversations with him explaining why things are the way they are – e.g. Why we need to brush our teeth before bed. “It’s not for me, it’s for you”, has been said more times than I’d like to admit but dialog at any age is great for our bond and his development with language.
I hope you can appreciate this (slightly) tongue in cheek look at one of the many threads that make up the blanket of parenthood. Your kid’s kryptonite can be valuable, but you should always do what’s best for them. Thanks for reading.